Cards and letters .These are just a part of a huge collection. This was what romance was all about in the 90’s . Yeah..we are the 90’s youth.
Cards were the thing then. They had everything we wanted to say , but not articulate enough to express. A card for every occasion ...even for mending broken hearts . Archie’s used to be my favorite place to visit and my contribution towards their annual profit is something worth mentioning. All in the form of cards, stickers , bookmarks and what not .
I can undoubtedly say that we had the best of everything . Our childhoods were spent playing and having fun outside. Our school and college years , spent building up friendships mingled with gossips in canteen and coffee shops .We did not have mobiles, but we sure had the time of our lives .Unfortunately we do not have selfies to prove it .We have only our cards and letters that we exchanged and an occasional photograph.(hard copy)
There are still people ,incurably romantic at heart ,who take lot of pain to make cards. Not the commercial ones .But hand made ones .They are the silver-tongued ones , who say exactly what they want to say with print out of selfies , tiny sketches of hearts and smiles and borrowed lyrics. I have a collection of them too ,more recent ones.
Cards would never be out of vogue .In one version or the other they will stick around, changing the heart of the one receiving it, to putty. (That is why , at school, we have card making competitions.)