Winter holidays are zooming away and the countdown have already started .Kids are using the last two days for full time playing and me for reading .
My younger one Phinneaus came up to me telling ” Mom see I have written M for MOM.He had marker stains on his fingers and his forearm had a big “M” .And on his left palm he had written “PAOSUI”.I went to inspect the extent of damages he had done to his room playing with the marker .Nothing much , just this word “PAOSUI “ on his toy boxes and bigger toys .The rest of them had just a “P” inscribed on them .
I was wondering who this PAOSUI is ,maybe some word he found from his Chinese toys.
I asked him where he found the word “PAOSUI” .He replied innocently ,”Mom,you don’t know anything .It is not Paosui ..it is “P.A.O.S.U.I” , Phinnaeus..”
The little chap was writing his name on his toys .I think it is high time that I have a word with his teacher .Is this how they teach phonetics in school…? Or maybe I should have given him an easier name to spell.....
Whatever be the case, of all the possible spellings he chose a Chinese sounding one …..PAOSUI…I guess his brother is going to use it to tease him for the rest of his life ....or at least till he gets something new .