Saturday, June 20, 2009

Raindrops are falling.....

Rain last.I stood at the balconywith my eyes closed and let the spray caress my face.(I would have preferred standing outside but discretion got the better of me ..the thought of the strange spectacle I would make with my arms outstretched and eyes closed…)
There isn’t anything I love much as the first shower of monsoon.It is one of the moments that invokes all the senses..a moment of heightened ecstasy.The musky scent of the damp earth,the taste of the raindrops that trickle down to the corner of your mouth,the pealing laughter of the raindrops on the rough ground and the touch of the rain on your skin….
Rain makes me sing all the those lovely songs that I can remember.
It had been always like that.The three of us-me and my sisters we used to place ourselves near the window and used to sing loudly ,the rain playing the background score.I feel nostalgic.
I took my boys along with me to feel the rain and I believe they must have enjoyed it too in their own way as much as I did.
Who wouldn’t?Which living soul can resist the magic of rain when she is in her gentle glory and not her ravaging vengeant self.
I say guys enjoy the monsoon,every drop of it.

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